Rockstar White Brightens Your Smile and Improves Your Breath

Back in 2007, periodontist, Dr. Hunt, was trying to find an antimicrobial agent that wouldn’t harshly stain his patient’s teeth. Since his patients typically had some form of periodontitis, specialized periodontal rinses were used to fight the disease. However, the brown stains left behind from the rinses, caused his patients much disappoint with the results. In other words, they were upset their teeth were less white, despite the fact that their periodontitis had cleared up. Without pearly-white teeth, patients became disinterested in their oral health, and resuming their original poor oral hygiene.
His next move was producing an antimicrobial gel that could fight periodontitis without the staining. After several experiments with hydrogen peroxide, Dr. Hunt developed a carbamide peroxide solution that was safe for extended use without increasing sensitivity. Thus, Rockstar White was born. Dr. Hunt created a solution capable of treating the effects of gum disease while whitening. Though this product was initially just available in-house, Dr. Hunt has made it accessible to the public. You too can have a brilliant smile without the painful sensitivity thanks to Dr. Hunt’s innovative advancement in teeth whitening.
What’s the Connection: Whiter Teeth and Bad Breath
The root cause of bad breath, or medically called Halitosis, is simple: poor oral hygiene. Throughout the day, the food you eat breaks down and builds-up around your teeth, gum line, and even your tongue. Without proper brushing and flossing techniques, those food particles stay behind and produceodor-causing bacteria. Yuck. However, a recent study has shown that whitening treatments using a tray-type system, paired with good brushing habits, can reduce the number of microorganisms living your mouth. In short, whiter teeth means fresher breath.
Try Rockstar White and Notice the Difference
This whitening system couldn’t be easier to use. It comes with two whitening trays that have a soft, putty like material inside. You first bite down to immediately create your own impressions. Once your impression is made, add the whitening gel without overloading it. More importantly, make sure the gel doesn’t make contact with your gums. If it does, wipe off any excess with a cotton swab.
Before placing the tray back on your teeth, apply Vitamin E to your gum line, then use the whitening solution for 30 minutes to an hour. Remember, wait an hour after your whitening treatments before you eat or drink anything. Lastly, if you do encounter some sensitivity, use the included Gel Kam. Simply add the Gel Kam to your whitening tray and leave it on for three minutes before spitting it out, however, don’t rinse out your mouth. You may continue the whitening process daily until you’ve reached your desired results.